Thursday 3 March 2016

Developing a heart of service with Master Robyn and May.....

Dear beloved Ones and your pets,
May and I send our deepest love to you at this time.

The purpose of life is to serve-Dr and Master Zhi Gang Sha


All souls are the happiest when they are serving.......
Our beloved animal friends are serving us all the time with their presence, their company and their unconditional love.

All souls love to serve. Our souls deeply understand that we have come here to serve....
Our soul is the boss.
Our soul leads our heart, our heart leads our mind, our mind leads the energy and the energy leads the matter.......
The heart must be purified and inspired to receive the message from the soul and pass it to the mind to act on the souls guidance of service.
How our heart responds to the message from our soul is very different for each one.

Do your feel a great desire to serve at this time?
Are you hearing the calling from Heaven to offer service?
Would you like to know how to fully develop a heart for service?

Many beloved spiritual mothers and fathers have served millions and millions of souls with their, love, forgiveness, compassion and light. These great spiritual Mothers and Fathers have a true hearts of service....

Many souls need our service at this time.......including the animals, nature and Mother Earth.....

Today receive the powerful message from Medicine Buddha on how to have a heart of service...

My dearest and most beloved Ones,
It is my greatest honour to share with you my wisdom that I have learnt through my many lifetimes of service.
It is when you are serving that you are connected to the light
Every way you serve will bring you to the light to purify you little by little.......
When you fully open your hearts to serve unconditionally their is a flood of light that flows through flows through your soul, your heart, your mind and your body.......
You are aligning with the Tao, the Source and the Divine in that moment...
You are aligning with all spiritual Mothers and Fathers in that moment.............of pure unconditional Universal Service......for this is what they do........
You are connecting with the heart of Universal Service itself.......there is a great explosion of light, light, light......this is coming to the planet at this time in each moment we serve......
Serve with the greatest purity in your hearts dear Ones.........
Serve with all of your hearts.....
Forget your self....
Only think "How will I bring Love Peace Harmony in this every the souls around all souls.....?"
Focus on the big picture and the great need for service at this time.....
Ask yourself,,,,,,"Am I serving enough..........Am I serving with all of my heart............?"
"Do I care more about others health and happiness than my own............."
These are some powerful questions to reflect on dear Ones............
As yourself these questions often.......
I am calling you today to go to the next level of service by fully opening and purifying your heart......
Our heart is our receptor...treat it well, keep it pure, shining the greatest light and radiating the greatest love.....
If your heart is feeling closed at this time.....
You have the power to open it....
You just need to be willing dear Ones....
Willing to fully open.......
Have the greatest desire in your heart to open your heart further......
I give you my heart...
I bless you with my heart......
I am healing you with my heart at this time.......
For it is only through the giving you receive....and it is only through receiving that you may give......
I am always here for you......
Let us open our heart and heal together.......
Let us offer service to our beloved animal friends, to all of Nature, to Mother all souls.......
We can join as One.....
We have to join as One.....
We will join as One......
Let us soften our hearts........
Let us love, love, love.........
Let us serve, serve, serve....
I am you
You are Me.....
We are One...
Your loving Medicine Buddha- healer of the heart

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